Sunday, September 27, 2009


Lets see if I can do it right this time!

Baby boy number 2's first day of 5th grade!^^^^^^^^

Baby boy #1 on his first day of middle school!^^^^

baby boy #3 on his first day of 2nd grade.^^^^^
and baby boy #4's first day of first grade!^^^^

#2 right before his football game.^^^^
#1's 12th birthday party!^^

#4 rocking out to University of Michigan's big win!!

#2 using the balloons to make a helium penis.

The cake I made for #1's birthday!



wow, 4 boys! Phew! I have 3 and think I am going insane some days:) They are a lot of fun but busy little ones aren't they?

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Hi Keri! I came here from your comment on The Blog Frog. I had to come and say how funny I think the name of your blog is because my blog address is ! I know WELL how you feel, as people also started asking me this when I had only four, and they keep asking now that I'm expecting my tenth! Now, they say, "How many are adopted?" Too funny!

Lulu said...

whoa, that cake looks delicious!!

PJ said...

I'm blocked from posting on BlogFrog, after several pointed comments, but I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the candor and directness in your posts there.

Laughing at the balloon penis'. Your boys are lucky to have a mom who lets them be silly as young boys can be.

Mom2my10 @ 11th Heaven said...

Hey Keri, just wanted to stop by and say hi from MckMama's forum.....Oh wait, there I am, I already came here, just last month! Oh well, hello again!

Keri said...

I'm so sorry I haven't responded to anyone. Gmail was supposed to send e-mails when I get a message but they haven't. Don't want anyone to think I am ignoring them.

MLWB--I am so busy but they are so worth it and so much fun not that they are getting older and their personalities are more developed.

M2M9--I am in awe of your family. I was reading your blog earlier today and your children are PRECIOUS. I LOL'd when you said they always asked if they were all yours and now they ask how many are adopted LOL. How typical. I always get asked if we are going to try for a girl. I guess they think the only reason I would have more children would be to get a girl.

CK--I do my best. Sometimes all I can do is read and shake my head in awe of how they treat others who believe differently then they do. I'm not religious at all but I don't instantly judge people who are just because they are different than me.

Thanks for the comments. I'm really not used to it LOL

PJ said...

Again, thank you for taking Sandi to task on the animals/humans thread. You keep speaking out!

I'm a Christian, but pretty liberal and open minded. I think there are many ways to know God - and respect different approaches (Buddhist, Hindu, Islam, Christian, Jewish) plus others who are simply spiritual but don't ascribe to a specific religion.

Melis said...

You. Crack me up. I read your comments on the Santa BF thread and nearly died laughing. OMW - amazing!

What part of TN are you in? I'm moving my family to the Soddy Daisy area in May and soooo excited for it!

Can I just say your family is super adorable? I wanted all boys until my girls were born and I still get a little envious of all baby boys my friends have :o) Somethin about them... Anyway, freakin cute!