I am stunned at all the people up in arms over President Obama's speech to the school children. It's a speech about staying in school, hard work and perseverance. How is that ever a bad thing?
I must say we live in conservative TN so I was preparing to battle our administration to show the video to the children so imagine my surprise when I found a message on my answering machine Thursday night from the district Superintendent stating that all children would be watching on all media available(TV's, computers, etc.) Parent's of course have the option to opt out but they did not send home permission slips. If you want to keep your kids home that's on you. And I not-so-secretly hope it's an unexcused absence.
I think the very fact that parents want PERMISSION slips sent home for their children to listen to our commander in chief is a prime example of why kids seem to show such a complete lack of respect for authority figures. They learn that from their parents. So parents, quit blaming rap music or TV shows or violent video games for your disrespectful little brats darlings. You have no one to blame but yourself.
Valentine's Day
3 weeks ago
Hi, I read your post on the blog frog and I just wanted to reach out to you. I feel your pain with the bankruptcy, we do not own an expensive house, had it f/c on us, not once or twice but three times and we still live in it. It is hard on ones life when you have to go thru this. As I have said in the past, you tend to really learn who your friends are. Thanks for putting yourself out there. I for one never saw the whole dealio on the new house, but I wish I had gotten the memo too on how to do what we had to do and get a 500K house, we have am underwater house....
I so totally agree with you on this. It shocked me to hear about the parents making such a fuss about this, he was not the 1st President to talk to our children
and will not be the last. I want
to say he is our President like it or not.
Thanks for the great post!
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