Sunday, September 27, 2009

My job.

Well as of the first of this month I am no longer what they call "prime time", meaning I worked 2 days a week for a total of 16 hours. It was great hours and I was home all during the week and could volunteer at the school anytime I wanted too.

But now, since Mark's insurance at work is not good at all(5000k out of pocket before ANYTHING but preventative is covered and then it only covers 90/10) I decided to go part time(over 30 hours) so I could get the family off Mark's insurance and onto the bank where I work at insurance plan.

It's so much better, though. They cover orthodontia for each member, vision coverage(both of these are not covered at ALL on Mark's plan), dental and medical. And the deductible for a family is only 900 dollars a year.

My hours aren't bad but I still miss having that freedom throughout the week. I'm sure I'll eventually get over it but it's still new to me and I still struggle with 'mommy guilt' on a fairly regular basis.

But this is a good job and it offers excellent benefits and that is what we need right now. So I guess I should just suck it up and be grateful I have a job in the first place right? Like I said this pity party will pass and I will be grateful that I can provide this option to my family. It's taking a ton of pressure off of Mark and I am very thankful for that.


Kim said...

I can so relate to the mommy guilt that comes with working. I love my job but hate how I feel about it some days. Good luck!

Lulu said...

Hi Keri..oh feel free to talk to me anytime about mommy guilt. Don't worry, the kids will be okay..especially if mommy is okay too! Don't forget yourself.