Sunday, September 27, 2009


Lets see if I can do it right this time!

Baby boy number 2's first day of 5th grade!^^^^^^^^

Baby boy #1 on his first day of middle school!^^^^

baby boy #3 on his first day of 2nd grade.^^^^^
and baby boy #4's first day of first grade!^^^^

#2 right before his football game.^^^^
#1's 12th birthday party!^^

#4 rocking out to University of Michigan's big win!!

#2 using the balloons to make a helium penis.

The cake I made for #1's birthday!

My job.

Well as of the first of this month I am no longer what they call "prime time", meaning I worked 2 days a week for a total of 16 hours. It was great hours and I was home all during the week and could volunteer at the school anytime I wanted too.

But now, since Mark's insurance at work is not good at all(5000k out of pocket before ANYTHING but preventative is covered and then it only covers 90/10) I decided to go part time(over 30 hours) so I could get the family off Mark's insurance and onto the bank where I work at insurance plan.

It's so much better, though. They cover orthodontia for each member, vision coverage(both of these are not covered at ALL on Mark's plan), dental and medical. And the deductible for a family is only 900 dollars a year.

My hours aren't bad but I still miss having that freedom throughout the week. I'm sure I'll eventually get over it but it's still new to me and I still struggle with 'mommy guilt' on a fairly regular basis.

But this is a good job and it offers excellent benefits and that is what we need right now. So I guess I should just suck it up and be grateful I have a job in the first place right? Like I said this pity party will pass and I will be grateful that I can provide this option to my family. It's taking a ton of pressure off of Mark and I am very thankful for that.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Long awaited photos

Monday, September 7, 2009

Drama, drama, drama...

I am stunned at all the people up in arms over President Obama's speech to the school children. It's a speech about staying in school, hard work and perseverance. How is that ever a bad thing?

I must say we live in conservative TN so I was preparing to battle our administration to show the video to the children so imagine my surprise when I found a message on my answering machine Thursday night from the district Superintendent stating that all children would be watching on all media available(TV's, computers, etc.) Parent's of course have the option to opt out but they did not send home permission slips. If you want to keep your kids home that's on you. And I not-so-secretly hope it's an unexcused absence.

I think the very fact that parents want PERMISSION slips sent home for their children to listen to our commander in chief is a prime example of why kids seem to show such a complete lack of respect for authority figures. They learn that from their parents. So parents, quit blaming rap music or TV shows or violent video games for your disrespectful little brats darlings. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Wow. It's been awhile...

I always have the best intentions of sitting down and writing a long post filled with pictures of my boys and then I always let something, or more likely, someone distract me.

I can't believe I haven't updated in almost 4 months. Things have changed, that's for sure.

Matthew is now in MIDDLE SCHOOL. I know, shut up, right?? He will be 12 in 11 days. I know I'm getting older, I mean if there was any doubt the gray hair and the frown lines would surely out me but I honest to God cannot believe my son is almost 12 years old. And in MIDDLE SCHOOL.

Ashton is in 5th grade and almost 11 years old. He is a football player and out of all four of my boys he is most definitely the most sensitive and loving towards others. Like yesterday. I had training for work. Mark took him to football practice so by the time I got to even see him it was almost 8 pm and he snuggled up next to me and said "mom, how was your teller bootcamp today?" The fact that he asked about my day and he knew the name of my training was amazing to me LOL. <3 that kid, I do.

Nicholas is 8 and in 2nd grade. And he reads to me and I love it. I love hearing my child who has struggled the most in school READ to me. He is blond and has big beautiful blue eyes and a face full of freckles. I think he's edible.

Adam is 6 and in FIRST grade. Again, SHUT UP! How is my youngest "baby" in FIRST grade? He is like a clone of me. He really wants us to have another baby which surprises me since he has never known anything but being the baby. But every night he asks when we can have another baby. You'll have to take that one up with daddy's urologist buddy!

Mark and I are doing good. In August we had our 13 year anniversary. Work has been stressing him out. They have cut back hours a bit but thankfully I was able to take a new position at work which provides us with the extra hours/money that his job is lacking right now. It'll pick up for him though next month. His job is always feast or famine.

In June I was diagnosed with a rare disorder called Pseudo-tumor cerebri. Basically my body thinks I have a brain tumor(I don't. It was ruled out with MRI) but I am producing too much spinal fluid so my optic nerves are all swollen and causing all kinds of visual disturbances. So I have had an MRI, spinal tap and now I am on potent diuretics and that has helped somewhat. No more weird acid like flashbacks in my eyes anymore. But the optic nerves are still swollen. No where near what they were before but still more than any of the opthamologists would like.

So we are in a holding pattern there and I am frankly just burying my head in the sand and pretending it doesn't exist as long as possible. Not healthy I'm sure but it's my coping mechanism.

Well this got long winded so I'll use the next post to put up some pictures.