You want to be a moron, do it with your face attached to it.
You may think I post horribly at Jennifers site but one thing you can never say is I don't hide behind some anonymous tag.
Grow a pair or go away.
Valentine's Day
3 weeks ago
Well said!!
HAHAHA! I've been reading your comments; you go girl!
i totally agree with you!
i sometimes have opinions that "go against the grain" and occasionally i even say things that i end up regretting. but always, always i make sure i own my words-good and unfortunately the sometimes bad.
also in knowing that i'm putting myself with my words-it does help me from taking advantage of the ability to be a no name person who uses that to spew things they aren't brave enough to stand behind.
lastly, i am interested in the point of view of others, even if they are different than mine. and just as i'm interested in the point of view, i'm also interested in the person.
so to brave and proud and own your words!
I may not agree with all you say and believe. HOWEVER... I think that its nice to see you stand behind your views and NOT hide.
GOOD GIRL.... =)
Hi. I came to your site from the discussion about the surrogate on blogfrog. I was wondering what you meant by not showing your face and hiding behind being anonymus. I don't have a blog but I post comments from time to time. Does this make me 'chicken'? I was just wondering what the blog community thinks. And, by the way, I think that story is fake :)
lol... enjoy reading your comments. Different veiws are necessary to make the world go round :-). I may not agree with all, but it is still nice to see what someone else thinks and why.
i have no idea what your talking about but i always appreciate honesty, whether i what someone has to say or not. i like to know where they stand!st
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