Mark and I went to see the Blind side today. It was an AWESOME movie. One we will definitely be purchasing when it comes out on dvd.
Michael Oher's story is amazing and inspirational and he is just an all around great guy! All the ways his story could have ended but he chose to persevere and is now a Baltimore Raven.
Great movie! Two thumbs up :)
Valentine's Day
3 weeks ago
Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family!
I don't know about your other comments on the blog frog, but I saw the one about the walk in closet and have to say that I agree with you!!! :) I wouldn't dream of putting my baby in something I didn't know was 100 percent safe! Well said!!
Oh, and I'm brave enough to put my ID in, and not be anonymous. lol
Love your dry sense of humor! Keep it coming, Keri!
Once again I say way to go at speaking the truth on the MckHateBlogFrog. I left you a thanks a while ago, and want to give you a shout out again. Their attitude is beyond appalling.
I'm not able to post there, but you are speaking for me too.
Keri, I was trying to get ahold of you in a different way than this because I feel bad about putting this on your blog but i can't because I was banned from bf last night because I did exactly what you said that they were against. And yes I was told I was negative and no one would ever want to get to know me in person. I posted the truth and facts but the truth sometimes hurt. I was treated nastily by several women and I was the one who got banned because I don't drink the kool aid. I would love to have a conversation with you. You posts today are exactly what happened to me yesterday you might see some of the posts of nasty comments made to me by others that haven't been deleted but mine are all gone even about being concerned about a baby sleeping in a closet with no safe way for the fire department to get the baby out in a fire. But oh yes, McK has her babies sleep in closets so of course that is okay. I was concerned about the childs safety in a fire but why does that matter unless it happens to that person. But after all McK is God--nothing like that would ever happen to her children because of her irresponsible doings.
I was even accused of being someone else that was posting because we had the same thoughts. and then told only three people had negative thoughts about McK yea, but now those three have probably been banned. How many have been banned for just standing up for what is right!!!!!
Thank you again!!!!!! from my heart but I am a very negative person that no one would ever want to me so I'm not sure that you should accept my thank you. Ha! Ha! I am so much more than they will ever know and better than most ever single one of them I'll bet! I'm not bragging but people who know me IRL call me an angel or a saint because of my daily situation that I have in my life and I always have a smile on my face!
Just real quick I just saw that "e" posted a comment about your posts. She is the one that got down right nasty to me last night and I see she didn't get banned! Interesting isn't it?
You don't have to post either of my comments that is fine, I just wanted a way to converse with you and I could find no other. These posts do not have to be posted because they don't pertain to your blog I just wanted to touch base. Thanks and have an absolutely beautiful day with your family!
I just wanted to let you know I was not ignoring you. It really is par for the course at bible flog. If you disagree with the 'christian' masses you will find yourself verbally attacked and name called and all of it goes un moderated.
I've got a thick skin and I am going NO WHERE. I will post there just to be a thorn in their backside and call them on their BS everytime.
E, whomever she is, is a first class TWAT. I usually skim whatever she writes simply because it always ends up being 2 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
Oh and while I'm on a roll I respond to all my other brave "anonymous" posters.
This is my favorite one:
"Your husband did 3 tours in Iraq and you are bitter."
Not bitter moron, PROUD.
"The next time your husband decides to sign up for something, maybe he should read the small print"
We're not republican or Southern born so we have no issues with reading comprehension. We knew exactly what we were signing up for.
"Signing up for military means having to protect this country when's not about moving to interesting places and getting a steady paycheck."
Thank you for that. After 11 years as a military spouse it was never clear to me what we were doing.
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