I always start off with the best of intentions to sit down and write down a blog post. I wish I could be more like the bloggers who write at least once a day but I don't think that's going to happen. I guess I should shoot for once a quarter. :-)
Everything here is still good. We are having some family from Michigan come for a visit next month and while they are here we are going to celebrate 3 out of the 4 boys birthdays. Ashton turned 12 in December and while we had cake and a gift from us I felt bad that his friends are always gone(since his birthday is right before Christmas). Nicholas will be 10 on March 15th so his is the "main" birthday. And Adam will be 8 3 weeks later on April 5th so we are celebrating his as well since family visiting is very rare.
I'm excited. We took them to a bakery and let them pick out a custom cake for EACH of them(oh yeah, we'll have cake here for WEEKS afterward...... or I'll just send a lot home with the birthday party attendees). Ashton picked out a football jersey that will be made to look like Colt McCoy's jersey from the Cleveland Browns. Nicholas picked out a guitar cake that will be made to look like an acoustic guitar(he is currently taking guitar lessons) and Adam picked out a cake that will look like....are your ready for this....A BOX TURTLE! He loves all things turtle. These cakes are going to be so awesome because this bakery just does a fantastic job on their cakes.
I'm having some health issues, mainly with my kidneys but I am just choosing to be positive and believe it will all work out for the best. That's all I can do right now. I can't even begin to look at the "what if's".
Mark is still working at his same job(in fact he's working today which leaves me some time to blog). I can't wait until we have some time off next month to spend a lot of family time together. It's much needed and wanted.
Well that's all I can think to write so I guess I'll post some recent pictures and call it a day. "See" you in May probably LOL!!
Valentine's Day
2 weeks ago