I still, after living here for 2.5 years, cannot get over how early the south lets the chirruns out for the summer. But as of Friday all 4 of my love bugs are home for the summer. I am so proud of all them. My oldest son, *M*, got all A's for 2 of the six semesters and the other 4 he was all A's and B's so he got the prestigious award at school on Wednesday of getting honor roll all year. And in the middle school in order to get this award just having A's and B's isn't enough you have to have more A's than B's. Now he is on his way to 7th grade. Here's a picture from his final band concert. He enjoyed band so much he is going on to the 7th grade band next year. He will play at all home basketball games.

His younger brother *A1*, had a great year too. Honor roll 5 out of 6 semesters(simplifying fractions in semester 4 was hard on him and he got a C in math, but by his next report card had brought it up to a B+ :) ) So he is on to middle school next year and following in his brothers foot steps and joining the band. He, however, wants to play the saxophone. I can't wait to hear him practice that......but that's what ear plugs are for right? Here's a picture take at the Discovery center earlier this month.
Now on to boy 3, *N*. *N* has had the hardest time since he started school. He repeated 1st grade last year but this year in second grade he has FLOURISHED! He has discovered a love for writing and is the spelling champion in his class. When school started his report card was a lot of 2's with some 3's(2 means working at grade level with teacher help, 3 is working at grade level. 4 means working above grade level). This last semester my guy has more
4's than 3's and NO 1's or 2's. He has worked so hard and it has paid off. His teacher wrote on his last writing paper "You are a MAGNIFICENT writer". Be still my heart..... Here is a picture of him receiving his award for "most improved" this year.
And on to #4, *A2*, our little firecracker. Without him life would be boring for sure. He had a good year this year as well. He came out of his shell and became Mr. Personality in the 4th semester, and apparently at the same time he became quite the ladies man. LOL. He worked hard this year and we are going to continue working with him on his hand writing this summer to make 2nd grade a bit easier for him(he writes like a serial killer LOL) So here is a picture of him. This is the ONE child I got that is a clone of me. When I got pregnant with him it was a total surprise and I told Mark "This baby better look like me and it better be a GIRL". 1 out of 2 isn't bad ;)