Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I got a new lens for my camera today!

Thanks to  the pioneer woman I bought a new lens for my Nikon D40. I always love the pictures where the subject is crystal clear and the background is blurry so I read all I could read on her photography section of her blog and settled on the Nikon 50mm lens and now I just have to teach myself how to use it.

So I ripped open the package which also included THIS!!!!! and quickly started snapping pictures of the doggies and the kiddies and this is what I have so far....

This is Elvis our not-so-smart, probably inbred, beagle. Notice how he even does the "elvis lip"?

This is Cady. She is our latest rescue. And very photogenic if I do say so myself.

And here is boy #1 with his Cady girl.


Boy #4 pondering if he should get off the computer and get out of his pajamas. It's a snow day, why bother?


And since I've looked through the first few pages and can already feel my arteries clogging, I decided to take a picture of my latest inspiration...


And now I will spend way too much time I'm sure figuring out my new lens and by the time I figure it out my 4 guys(and possibly the dogs) will be quite sick of me and my camera.