Adam tired after a long afternoon's work.
That's Brandi(sales rep I work with) her husband and her little boy helping decorate trees.
Even Mark came after he got out of work!
This couple here melted my heart. He was in good health but moved into the home so he and his wife could be together. He decorated her tree and I mean he DECORATED. There wasn't an area on that tree that didn't have SOMETHING on it. He kept saying "is that pretty enough for you hunny?" <3
Ms. Elaine(my boss) and Justin aka "Santa"(he is assistant manager at my office)
Ashton decorating trees.
Matthew with the tree he decorated for a resident who was too sick to come down to the activity room.
Nicholas setting up the tables for the residents.
Nicholas and Adam waiting to go in.
Adam waiting to get started!
Before we left the house. Adam on the left, Nicholas on the right(they even agreed to wear the TIGHTS!! ROFL)
Yesterday my work went to a nursing home and brought little miniature trees and all the decorations so the residents could decorate their very own tree. It's an annual tradition at regions bank but since this is my first Christmas working there this was my first time there.
My younger two boys, Nicholas and Adam, agreed to wear elf costumes and help the people decorate their trees and pass out gifts. Nicholas was particularly sweet. He helped several residents decorate their trees and even helped one drink her juice.
Matthew and Ashton wore Santa hats and reindeer hats and helped decorate trees for the residents that were unable to come down to the activity room.
I am so proud of my boys!!
Valentine's Day
2 weeks ago